Wednesday, October 10, 2018

STEAM at Rutherford College

Looking back at Term 3, 2018

Edmonton Primary, Rutherford Primary, Rutherford College

STEAM with the Boys! 

What is STEAM education? STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. STEAM learning is about the integration of subjects using processes and concepts from across different disciplines and creating solutions to problems. Hence it is often done with a project-based approach and is directly linked real-world scenarios.

Over Term 3 a group of boys from Edmonton Primary, Rutherford Primary and Rutherford College have been creating STEAM projects. We have used a range of equipment and software such as Lego WeDo 1.0, Lego WeDo 2.0, Sphero, Makey Makey, Scratch, Google Draw and Sphero SPRK app.   

We encourage tinkering and often go off script to explore what we can create with equipment. In picture one, below, this student build a platform and connected a motor. He used Scratch to code a simple program that made the platform spin at different speeds. The Lego figure looks like it's having a fun time! 

Students build projects collaboratively in pairs and share back regularly with the group.

Below are some snapshots of our term together:    

Picture 1

More tinkering and discovery.